
What Types of Cases Fall Under USA Family Law?

There are many different types of family law cases. These can include matters like divorce, child support, and parental rights. However, there are some important distinctions between them. 

Child Support

Child support is an ongoing financial obligation between a parent and a child. It is paid by the paying parent to the receiving parent for the child’s upkeep and care. The laws governing child support vary from state to state, and among Native American tribes, they can be even more varied. Regardless of the jurisdiction, child support is an important part of a child custody agreement.

For instance, a family attorney Tampa expressed that the trial court calculates child support based on state statutes and guidelines. The child’s age and health needs are often considered. Additionally, the standard of living the child would have if the parents continued living together is also considered. Child support calculation methods differ, but most states have a standard formula for calculating child support. The court can also make specific findings based on the net monthly income of the custodial parent and noncustodial parent. The person paying child support should be prepared to bring documentation to prove their income and expenses for the child. This can include rent, cell phone, car payments, or childcare expenses.


In the United States, divorce is governed by family law. Specifically, divorce laws vary from state to state. In some states, a divorce may be granted based on fault or no-fault grounds. However, in most states, the fault is not considered in divorce decisions. In the case of no-fault divorce, the court may consider the behaviors of the parties when evaluating a property, debts, child custody, and support.

In most states, divorce cases are uncontested if both parties agree on the divorce terms and file a joint divorce petition. This divorce requires the parties to disclose all pertinent information to the court. If the divorce is contested, the parties may need to court for hearings and trial. A divorce court will typically be staffed by social workers and counselors trained to promote reconciliation between the divorcing parents. Although most communications are confidential, some information may be used in abuse or neglect hearings. 

Parental Rights

Parental rights are a fundamental part of raising a child. They give a parent the right to decide major life decisions for their child. They also have the right to share assets with their child. Both women and men gain these rights at birth. Unmarried men, however, must prove their paternity before gaining parental rights or legal custody. They can do so by signing an acknowledgment of paternity. Alternatively, either parent can file a paternity case in court. Parental rights are an essential aspect of any child custody case. The court will decide if the parent has the right to make crucial decisions for the child. It will look at several factors but ultimately base the decision on what’s best for the child. If one parent has the right to decide, the child may not be living with the other parent.

In a divorce, a judge will determine who is more likely to protect the child’s best interests. Typically, the court will prefer solutions that include substantial access for both parents. However, in some cases, parental rights are terminated due to over-arching evidence of abuse or neglect.


Adoption is a legal process that permanently makes a child a member of another family. To complete an adoption, the adoptive family must formalize the adoption in a family court in the state where the adoption occurred. This can be a complicated process, and an experienced attorney can help guide you through the process. The legal process of adoption varies from state to state. Each state’s adoption statute may have specific requirements, with many different steps and nuances to consider.  While adoption cases are usually filed in family court, the judge can also hear cases involving the termination of parental rights. Moreover, the judge must determine if the adoption is in the child’s best interest. 

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