Why You Need A Family Trust Attorney

Creating a family trust is an important part of estate planning. It allows individuals to protect assets and ensure they are passed down to future generations in accordance with the wishes of the grantor, or creator, of the trust. A qualified family trust attorney can provide guidance throughout this process, allowing for efficient creation and management of trusts. This article will discuss why retaining a family trust attorney is beneficial when creating these types of trusts. 

Definition Of A Family Trust 

A family trust is a legal entity that can be used to manage and protect assets for the benefit of an individual, group or organization. It allows the settlor (the person who creates the trust) to delegate certain duties and responsibilities regarding asset management to a trustee. The trust also offers protection from creditors and other potential stakeholders. 

Trusts are divided into two main categories: revocable trusts and irrevocable trusts. Revocable trusts allow the settlor to modify or revoke their decisions at any time during their lifetime; however, irrevocable trusts cannot be modified or revoked unless allowed by law. In both cases, it is important to consult with a qualified attorney before establishing a family trust as they can provide advice on how best to proceed in order to achieve desired outcomes. This transition leads us into discussing some of the benefits of establishing a family trust. 

Benefits Of Establishing A Family Trust 

A family trust can provide many benefits to the grantor and their beneficiaries. It can be an effective way to protect assets while providing financial security, minimize taxes, and preserve one’s legacy. Furthermore, a family trust provides asset protection, allowing trustees to manage assets in accordance with the wishes of the grantor. 

When considering establishing a family trust, it is important to understand that there are specific legal requirements for creating and administering trusts. A qualified attorney who specializes in estate planning or trusts can ensure that all applicable laws are met when setting up and managing a trust. Having a trusted professional handle this process is essential for ensuring that a family trust is properly established and managed according to the grantor’s intentions. The next section will discuss qualifications for finding a reliable family trust attorney. 

Duties Of A Family Trust Attorney 

A family trust attorney is responsible for structuring and managing a trust in order to ensure that it meets the needs of its beneficiaries. The duties can include drafting, executing, and maintaining documents related to trusts; providing advice on how best to manage assets held within the trust; determining whether any legal requirements have been met; and helping to resolve disputes that may arise in connection with the trust. Additionally, they must be familiar with tax laws as they relate to trusts, so they can help their clients maximize benefits while minimizing taxes associated with the trust. 

The role of a family trust attorney also includes monitoring and controlling distributions from the trust according to state law as well as keeping accurate records of all transactions involving assets held within the trust. They will be required to provide counsel regarding other estate planning matters such as wills, deeds, life insurance policies, retirement accounts, etc., which are necessary for carrying out a client’s wishes upon his or her death. Furthermore, attorneys must stay up-to-date on changes in applicable laws and regulations and advise clients accordingly. 


A family trust is an important estate planning tool that can help protect assets and provide for future generations. Establishing a family trust has many benefits, including providing protection from creditors, minimizing taxes, and controlling the distribution of wealth. Hiring a qualified family trust attorney to manage your trust is essential in order to ensure that it remains valid under state law and meets all of its objectives. 

Family trust attorneys are responsible for setting up the legal structure of the trust, drafting documents such as wills or powers of attorney related to the trust, advising on investment strategies, preparing tax returns related to the trust’s income, and distributing assets according to the terms of the contract. They must also be able to interpret laws regarding trusts and advise clients accordingly. Additionally, they serve as fiduciaries who will act in their client’s best interests at all times. 

Given these duties, it is clear why hiring a knowledgeable family trust attorney is so important when establishing a family trust. Family Trust Attorneys possess both technical knowledge about relevant laws and financial advice necessary for managing this type of estate plan effectively over time. Their services should not be overlooked when considering how best to secure one’s assets for future generations. 



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